Why should you learn SQL after Excel?


3 Months Data Analytics Learning Guide

Learning SQL after Excel can significantly enhance your data handling capabilities. Here’s why:

  1. Complementary Tools: While Excel is great for managing data in a spreadsheet format, SQL is a powerful programming language designed specifically for managing and querying relational databases. By learning SQL, you can handle much larger datasets more efficiently than with Excel alone.
  2. Advanced Data Manipulation: Both Excel and SQL allow you to filter, sort, and summarize data. Excel achieves this through built-in tools, while SQL uses more versatile and scalable commands like SELECT, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY. Learning SQL will enable you to perform these operations on much larger datasets with greater precision and flexibility.
  3. Enhanced Data Analysis: In Excel, you can easily create pivot tables and charts to analyze data. SQL takes this further by using aggregate functions, subqueries, and other advanced techniques to perform complex data analysis within a database, providing deeper insights and more robust data handling capabilities.
  4. Efficient Data Integration: Both Excel and SQL can combine data from different sources. Excel typically does this by linking multiple sheets, while SQL uses JOIN commands to integrate data from multiple tables in a relational database. SQL’s approach is more powerful and efficient, especially when working with large or complex datasets.
  5. Scalable Calculations and Decision-Making: Excel offers a wide range of functions for performing calculations, but these can become cumbersome with large datasets. SQL, on the other hand, can perform complex calculations directly within the database, allowing for more efficient data processing and decision-making based on large-scale data analysis.

In summary, learning SQL after Excel expands your data analysis toolkit, enabling you to work with larger datasets, perform more complex analyses, and manage data more effectively.