JavaScript Roadmap


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JavaScript Roadmap
|– Fundamentals
| |– Basics of Programming
| | |– Introduction to JavaScript
| | |– Setting Up Development Environment (IDE: VSCode, Sublime Text, etc.)
| |
| |– Syntax and Structure
| | |– Basic Syntax
| | |– Variables (var, let, const) and Data Types
| | |– Operators and Expressions
|– Control Structures
| |– Conditional Statements
| | |– If-Else Statements
| | |– Switch Case
| |
| |– Loops
| | |– For Loop
| | |– While Loop
| | |– Do-While Loop
| | |– For…in and For…of Loops
| |
| |– Exception Handling
| | |– Try-Catch Block
| | |– Finally Block
| | |– Throwing Errors
|– Functions and Scope
| |– Defining Functions
| | |– Function Declarations
| | |– Function Expressions
| | |– Arrow Functions
| |
| |– Parameters and Arguments
| | |– Default Parameters
| | |– Rest and Spread Operators
| |
| |– Scope
| | |– Global and Local Scope
| | |– Hoisting
| | |– Closures
|– Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
| |– Basics of OOP
| | |– Objects and Properties
| | |– Methods
| |
| |– Prototypes and Inheritance
| | |– Prototype Chain
| | |– Inheritance with Prototypes
| |
| |– Classes
| | |– Class Syntax
| | |– Constructors
| | |– Inheritance (extends and super)
| |
| |– Encapsulation
| | |– Private and Public Members (using # for private)
|– Advanced JavaScript
| |– Asynchronous JavaScript
| | |– Callbacks
| | |– Promises
| | |– Async/Await
| |
| |– Event Loop
| | |– Understanding the Event Loop
| | |– Microtasks and Macrotasks
|– Data Structures
| |– Arrays
| | |– Array Methods (map, filter, reduce, etc.)
| | |– Array Manipulation
| |
| |– Objects
| | |– Creating and Manipulating Objects
| | |– Object Methods (keys, values, entries)
| |
| |– Sets and Maps
| | |– Working with Sets
| | |– Working with Maps
|– Browser APIs
| |– Document Object Model (DOM)
| | |– Selecting Elements
| | |– Manipulating Elements
| | |– Event Handling
| |
| |– Fetch API
| | |– Making HTTP Requests
| | |– Handling Responses
| |
| |– Web Storage
| | |– LocalStorage and SessionStorage
|– Libraries and Frameworks
| |– jQuery
| | |– Basics of jQuery
| | |– DOM Manipulation with jQuery
| |
| |– React
| | |– Components and JSX
| | |– State and Props
| | |– Lifecycle Methods
| |
| |– Angular
| | |– Components and Templates
| | |– Services and Dependency Injection
| | |– Routing
| |
| |– Vue
| | |– Vue Instance
| | |– Templates and Directives
| | |– Vue Router
|– Build Tools and Module Bundlers
| |– NPM and Yarn
| | |– Package Management
| | |– Scripts and Dependencies
| |
| |– Webpack
| | |– Module Bundling
| | |– Loaders and Plugins
| |
| |– Babel
| | |– Transpiling JavaScript
| | |– Using Presets and Plugins
|– Testing in JavaScript
| |– Unit Testing
| | |– Jest (Setup, Writing Tests, Mocking)
| | |– Mocha and Chai
| |
| |– End-to-End Testing
| | |– Cypress
| | |– Selenium WebDriver
|– Deployment and DevOps
| |– Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
| | |– GitHub Actions
| | |– Travis CI
| |
| |– Containers and Microservices
| | |– Docker (Dockerfile, Image Creation, Container Management)
| | |– Kubernetes (Pods, Services, Deployments, Managing JavaScript Applications on Kubernetes)