Complete Web Development Roadmap


Complete Web Development Roadmap

Here is the Complete Web Development Roadmap:

1. Introduction to Web Development

– What is Web Development?

– Frontend vs Backend

– Full Stack Development

– Roles and Responsibilities of Web Developers

2. HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

– Basics of HTML

– HTML5 Features

– Semantic Elements

– Forms and Inputs

– Accessibility in HTML

3. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

– Basics of CSS

– CSS Grid

– Flexbox

– CSS Animations

– Media Queries for Responsive Design

4. JavaScript (JS)

– Introduction to JavaScript

– Variables, Loops, and Functions

– DOM Manipulation

– ES6+ Features

– Async JS (Promises, Async/Await)

5. Version Control with Git

– What is Git?

– Git Commands (add, commit, push, pull, etc.)

– Branching and Merging

– Using GitHub/GitLab

– Collaboration with Git

6. Frontend Frameworks and Libraries

– React.js Basics

– Vue.js Basics

– Angular Basics

– Component-Based Architecture

– State Management (Redux, Vuex)

7. CSS Frameworks

– Bootstrap

– Tailwind CSS

– Materialize CSS

– CSS Preprocessors (SASS, LESS)

8. Backend Development

– Introduction to Server-Side Programming

– Node.js

– Express.js

– Django or Flask (Python)

– Ruby on Rails

– Java with Spring Framework

9. Databases

– SQL vs NoSQL

– MySQL/PostgreSQL

– MongoDB

– Database Relationships

– CRUD Operations

10. RESTful APIs and GraphQL

– REST API Basics

– CRUD Operations in APIs

– Postman for API Testing

– GraphQL Introduction

– Fetching Data with GraphQL

11. Authentication and Security

– Basic Authentication

– OAuth and JWT

– Securing Routes

– HTTPS and SSL Certificates

– Web Security Best Practices

12. Web Hosting and Deployment

– Shared vs VPS Hosting

– Deploying with Netlify or Vercel

– Domain Names and DNS

– Continuous Deployment with CI/CD

13. DevOps Basics

– Containerization with Docker

– CI/CD Pipelines

– Automation and Deployment

14. Web Performance Optimization

– Browser Caching

– Minification and Compression

– Image Optimization

– Lazy Loading

– Performance Testing

15. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

– What are PWAs?

– Service Workers

– Web App Manifest

– Offline Functionality

– Push Notifications

16. Mobile-First and Responsive Design

– Mobile-First Approach

– Responsive Layouts

– Frameworks for Responsive Design

– Testing Mobile Responsiveness

17. Testing and Debugging

– Unit Testing (Jest, Mocha)

– Integration and End-to-End Testing (Cypress, Selenium)

– Debugging JavaScript

– Browser DevTools

– Performance and Load Testing

18. WebSocket and Real-Time Communication

– Introduction to WebSocket

– Real-Time Data with WebSocket

– Server-Sent Events

– Chat Application Example

– Using Libraries like

19. GraphQL vs REST APIs

– Differences between REST and GraphQL

– Querying with GraphQL

– Mutations in GraphQL

– Setting up a GraphQL Server

20. Web Animations

– CSS Animations and Transitions

– JavaScript-Based Animations (GSAP)

– Performance Optimization for Animations

21. CMS (Content Management Systems)

– What is a CMS?

– Headless CMS (Strapi, Contentful)

– Customizing CMS with Plugins and Themes

22. Serverless Architecture

– Introduction to Serverless

– AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions

– Building Serverless APIs