C++ Programming Roadmap


C++ Programming Roadmap

Here is the C++ Programming Roadmap:

|– Fundamentals

| |– Basics of Programming

| | |– Introduction to C++

| | |– Setting Up Development Environment (IDE: Code::Blocks, Visual Studio, etc.)

| | |– Compiling and Running C++ Programs

| |

| |– Syntax and Structure

| | |– Basic Syntax

| | |– Variables and Data Types

| | |– Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise)


|– Control Structures

| |– Conditional Statements

| | |– If-Else Statements

| | |– Switch Case

| |

| |– Loops

| | |– For Loop

| | |– While Loop

| | |– Do-While Loop

| |

| |– Jump Statements

| | |– Break, Continue

| | |– Goto Statement


|– Functions and Scope

| |– Defining Functions

| | |– Function Syntax

| | |– Parameters and Arguments (Pass by Value, Pass by Reference)

| | |– Return Statement

| |

| |– Function Overloading

| | |– Overloading Functions with Different Parameters

| |

| |– Scope and Lifetime

| | |– Local and Global Scope

| | |– Static Variables


|– Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

| |– Basics of OOP

| | |– Classes and Objects

| | |– Member Functions and Data Members

| |

| |– Constructors and Destructors

| | |– Constructor Types (Default, Parameterized, Copy)

| | |– Destructor Basics

| |

| |– Inheritance

| | |– Single and Multiple Inheritance

| | |– Protected Access Specifier

| | |– Virtual Base Class

| |

| |– Polymorphism

| | |– Function Overriding

| | |– Virtual Functions and Pure Virtual Functions

| | |– Abstract Classes

| |

| |– Encapsulation and Abstraction

| | |– Access Specifiers (Public, Private, Protected)

| | |– Getters and Setters

| |

| |– Operator Overloading

| | |– Overloading Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, etc.)

| | |– Friend Functions


|– Advanced C++

| |– Pointers and Dynamic Memory

| | |– Pointer Basics

| | |– Dynamic Memory Allocation (new, delete)

| | |– Pointer Arithmetic

| |

| |– References

| | |– Reference Variables

| | |– Passing by Reference

| |

| |– Templates

| | |– Function Templates

| | |– Class Templates

| |

| |– Exception Handling

| | |– Try-Catch Blocks

| | |– Throwing Exceptions

| | |– Standard Exceptions


|– Data Structures

| |– Arrays and Strings

| | |– One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Arrays

| | |– String Handling

| |

| |– Linked Lists

| | |– Singly and Doubly Linked Lists

| |

| |– Stacks and Queues

| | |– Stack Operations (Push, Pop, Peek)

| | |– Queue Operations (Enqueue, Dequeue)

| |

| |– Trees and Graphs

| | |– Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees

| | |– Graph Representation and Traversal (DFS, BFS)


|– Standard Template Library (STL)

| |– Containers

| | |– Vectors, Lists, Deques

| | |– Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues

| | |– Sets, Maps, Unordered Maps

| |

| |– Iterators

| | |– Input and Output Iterators

| | |– Forward, Bidirectional, and Random Access Iterators

| |

| |– Algorithms

| | |– Sorting, Searching, and Manipulation

| | |– Numeric Algorithms


|– File Handling

| |– Streams and File I/O

| | |– ifstream, ofstream, fstream

| | |– Reading and Writing Files

| | |– Binary File Handling


|– Testing and Debugging

| |– Debugging Tools

| | |– gdb (GNU Debugger)

| | |– Valgrind for Memory Leak Detection

| |

| |– Unit Testing

| | |– Google Test (gtest)

| | |– Writing and Running Tests


|– Deployment and DevOps

| |– Version Control with Git

| | |– Integrating C++ Projects with GitHub

| |– Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

| | |– Using Jenkins or GitHub

| |

| |–Free courses

| | |–Udacity Course- https://www.udacity.com/course/c-for-programmers–ud210?irclickid=XSj0v11XZxyKWCkRd2wZLUK2UkCwLSxx9xEWRM0&irgwc=1&utm_source=affiliate&utm_medium=&aff=2606731&utm_term=&utm_campaign=__&utm_content=&adid=786224

| | |–Microsoft Documentation- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-language/?view=msvc-170&viewFallbackFrom=vs-2019

| | |–Udemy Course- https://www.udemy.com/course/introduction-to-algorithms-and-data-structures-in-c/?ranMID=39197&ranEAID=NuZiHLoAApo&ranSiteID=NuZiHLoAApo-EJ.OE7Yfk6jJ6w3r67ujLA&LSNPUBID=NuZiHLoAApo&utm_source=aff-campaign&utm_medium=udemyads