Beginner’s Roadmap to Learn Data Structures and Algorithms


3 Months Data Analytics Learning Guide

Beginner’s Roadmap to Learn Data Structures and Algorithms

1. Foundations: Start with the basics of programming and mathematical concepts to build a strong foundation.

2. Data Structure: Dive into essential data structures like arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues to organise and store data efficiently.

3. Searching & Sorting: Learn various search and sort techniques to optimise data retrieval and organisation. 4. Trees & Graphs: Understand the concepts of binary trees and graph representation to tackle complex hierarchical data.

5. Recursion: Grasp the principles of recursion and how to implement recursive algorithms for problem-solving.

6. Advanced Data Structures: Explore advanced structures like hashing, heaps, and hash maps to enhance data manipulation.

7. Algorithms: Master algorithms such as greedy, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming to solve intricate problems.

8. Advanced Topics: Delve into backtracking, string algorithms, and bit manipulation for a deeper understanding.

9. Problem Solving: Practice on coding platforms like LeetCode to sharpen your skills and solve real-world algorithmic challenges.

10. Projects & Portfolio: Build real-world projects and showcase your skills on GitHub to create an impressive portfolio.