5 Steps to Learn Frontend Development


Frontend Development

Here are 5 Steps to Learn Frontend Development:

Step 1: Basics

— Internet


— Browser

— Domain & Hosting

Step 2: HTML

— Basic Tags

— Semantic HTML

— Forms & Table

Step 3: CSS

— Basics

— CSS Selectors

— Creating Layouts

— Flexbox

— Grid

— Position – Relative & Absolute

— Box Model

— Responsive Web Design

Step 3: JavaScript

— Basics Syntax

— Loops

— Functions

— Data Types & Object

— DOM selectors

— DOM Manipulation

— JS Module – Export & Import

— Spread & Rest Operator

— Asynchronous JavaScript

— Fetching API

— Event Loop

— Prototype

— ES6 Features

Step 4: Git and GitHub

— Basics

— Fork

— Repository

— Pull Repo

— Push Repo

— Locally Work With Git

Step 5: React

— Components & JSX

— List & Keys

— Props & State

— Events

— useState Hook

— CSS Module

— React Router

— Tailwind CSS