3 Months Data Analytics Learning Guide


3 Months Data Analytics Learning Guide

Here is the 3 Months Data Analytics learning guide:

Month 1: Fundamentals and Tools

Week 1: Introduction to Data Analytics

• Objective: Understand the basics of data analytics and its importance.

• Topics:

– Overview of Data Analytics: What it is and its application.

– Types of Data (Structured vs. Unstructured).

– Understanding the data lifecycle.

– Introduction to key roles: Data Analyst, Data Scientist, etc.

• Resources:

– Online courses (e.g., Coursera, Udemy).

– Read “Data Science for Business” by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett.

– Blogs and articles.

Week 2: Excel for Data Analysis

• Objective: Learn Excel, a foundational tool for data analytics.

• Topics:

– Data cleaning and preparation.

– Formulas and Functions (e.g., VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH).

– Pivot Tables and Charts.

– Data Analysis ToolPak.

• Resources:

– Excel courses (LinkedIn Learning, YouTube).

– Practice datasets (Kaggle).

Week 3: Introduction to SQL

• Objective: Learn SQL for querying databases.

• Topics:

– Basics of SQL (SELECT, WHERE, JOIN).

– Filtering and Sorting data.

– Aggregating data (GROUP BY, HAVING).

– Subqueries and Nested queries.

• Resources:

– SQLZoo, Mode Analytics SQL Tutorial.

– Practice on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank.

Week 4: Introduction to Python

• Objective: Start with Python, focusing on data analytics.

• Topics:

– Python basics (variables, loops, functions).

– Introduction to libraries: Pandas, NumPy.

– Data manipulation with Pandas.

– Basic data visualization with Matplotlib.

• Resources:

– Python for Data Science courses (Coursera, DataCamp).

– Jupyter Notebook for hands-on practice.

Month 2: Deepening Your Knowledge

Week 5: Advanced Excel and Data Visualization

• Objective: Master advanced Excel features and data visualization techniques.

• Topics:

– Advanced formulas (e.g., Array formulas).

– Data validation, Conditional formatting.

– Introduction to Excel Macros.

– Data visualization principles.

– Creating effective charts and dashboards in Excel.

• Resources:

– Excel MVP blogs, YouTube advanced tutorials.

– Books like “Storytelling with Data” by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic.

Week 6: Advanced SQL

• Objective: Enhance SQL skills for complex data analysis.

• Topics:

– Advanced Joins (Self-joins, CTEs).

– Window functions (ROW_NUMBER, RANK, etc.).

– Stored Procedures and Functions.

– Performance tuning (Indexes, Query optimization).

• Resources:

– Practice on real-world datasets from Kaggle.

– Advanced SQL tutorials on Mode Analytics, LeetCode.

Week 7: Advanced Python for Data Analysis

• Objective: Get comfortable with advanced Python techniques.

• Topics:

– Data cleaning and preprocessing with Pandas.

– Merging and Joining datasets.

– Advanced data visualization with Seaborn, Plotly.

– Introduction to data analysis projects.

• Resources:

– Kaggle datasets for practice.

– “Python for Data Analysis” by Wes McKinney.

Week 8: Statistics for Data Analysis

• Objective: Learn statistical concepts essential for data analysis.

• Topics:

– Descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode).

– Probability theory.

– Hypothesis testing, p-values.

– Correlation and Regression analysis.

• Resources:

– Online courses on statistics (Khan Academy, Coursera).

– Books like “Naked Statistics” by Charles Wheelan.

Month 3: Projects and Specialized Topics

Week 9: Data Visualization with Power BI/Tableau

• Objective: Learn to create interactive dashboards.

• Topics:

– Introduction to Power BI/Tableau.

– Connecting to data sources.

– Creating visuals and dashboards.

– Best practices for dashboard design.

• Resources:

– Power BI and Tableau official tutorials.

– Practice building dashboards with public datasets.

Week 10: Introduction to Machine Learning

• Objective: Understand basic machine learning concepts.

• Topics:

– Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning.

– Introduction to algorithms (Linear Regression, Decision Trees).

– Training and evaluating models.

– Introduction to Scikit-Learn.

• Resources:

• Coursera’s “Machine Learning” by Andrew Ng.

– Kaggle tutorials and competitions.

Week 11: Real-World Projects

• Objective: Apply knowledge to real-world problems.

• Activities:

– Choose a dataset from Kaggle or any open-source platform.

– Define a problem statement and objectives.

– Conduct data cleaning, exploration, and analysis.

– Present findings in a report or dashboard.

• Resources:

– Kaggle, GitHub for project ideas and datasets.

– Peer reviews and feedback.

Week 12: Final Review and Next Steps

• Objective: Consolidate knowledge and plan for continued learning.

• Activities:

– Review all tools and techniques learned.

– Polish and showcase your projects (GitHub, portfolio).

– Explore advanced topics for future learning (e.g., Big Data, Deep Learning).

– Network with professionals and join Data Analytics communities.

• Resources:

– LinkedIn, Medium for networking and sharing your work.

– Look into certifications (Google Data Analytics, Microsoft Certified: Data Analyst Associate).

Additional Tips:

• Consistency: Study and practice regularly to build a habit.

• Projects: Focus on hands-on projects; they’re the best way to learn.

• Community: Engage in forums like Stack Overflow, Kaggle, and LinkedIn groups.