120 Days DSA Roadmap


120 Days DSA Roadmap

The following features of the 120 Days DSA Roadmap:

DAYS 1-5 :

1. Language basics

2. Space & Time Complexity

DAYS 6-15 :

1. Pattern Printing

2. Recursion

3. Backtracking

DAYS 16-30 :

Basic data structures

1. Arrays

2. Linked List

3. Stacks & Queues

DAYS 31-40 :


1. Searching

2. Sorting – Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Quick sort

Suggestion to start with online contests and hackathons

DAYS 41-60:

Complex data structures

1. Hashmaps

2. Nodes

3. Trees

4. Heaps

5. Sliding window (technique)

DAYS 61-85:


1. BFS

2. DFS

3. Dijkstra

4. Floyd Warshall

5. Prim

6. Kruskal

7. Kosaraju’s algorithm

8. Topological Sort

9. Bellman Ford

10. Normal DSU

11. DSU by rank

DAYS 86-95:

Dynamic Programming

1. Memoisation

2. Tabulation

DAYS 96-105:

1. Concepts of OOPs

DAYS 106-120:

1. Number Theory

2. Bit Manipulation

3. Tries